FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions at Strata Massage Therapy
Rescheduling Policy
We understand that unanticipated events occur. Car problems, traffic considerations, business meetings, and project deadlines affect our daily lives and can interfere with a massage appointment.
In our commitment to provide an outstanding massage experience to all of our clients and out of consideration for our own time, we have adopted the following policies:
Please arrive for your appointment 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. This will allow time for a consultation and for you to complete any new client forms or adjustments to existing forms.
If late arrival is inevitable, your service may be shortened in order to keep on schedule. The original treatment time will be charged.
Please provide at least 24 hours notice if you need to reschedule a treatment. This gives us enough time to fill the appointment. If a client fails to cancel before 24 hours, 50% of the service fee will be charged.
Late Arrival Policy
Unfortunately we cannot always provide late arrivals with an extension of scheduled appointments. In special cases we may be able to accommodate a partial or full appointment. This will be at our discretion and only with proper, advanced notification of your late arrival. The full service fee will be charged.
No Show Policy
Upon finding that a client is absent from their appointment location, the therapist will attempt to contact the client, and will remain at the appointment location for 15 minutes. After this time the appointment will be considered a “no show” and the client will be charged the full fee for the service scheduled and will be asked to pre-pay for future services.
Existing and New Medical Conditions
It is the responsibility of the client to keep the Massage Therapist informed of any medical treatment currently being taken, and to provide written permission from the physician, chiropractor, physical therapist, etc., that the massage may be continued.
The client must also keep the Massage Therapist informed of any changes in health conditions.
Professional Boundaries
Requests for sexual activity will NOT be tolerated, will be viewed as solicitation, and reported to the proper authorities under the guidelines of the Massage Therapy policies and procedures.
The client will not be rescheduled if this occurs.
The breast and genital area will NOT be massaged under any circumstances. A professional distance will be maintained from these areas.
Also, pectoral, low back, hip & gluteal area will be massaged only after the Massage Therapist discusses them during the client intake portion of the session. The Massage Therapist will ask for permission at that time will only work on those areas once consent is given.
Sexual interaction or discussion of any kind between the client and the massage therapist is NEVER appropriate.
Confidentiality and Conversation
The discussion between the Massage Therapist and the client is confidential. The client may or may not choose to talk during the massage.
Any health information disclosed, observed or treated will be kept confidential under HIPAA law.
Massage Policies and Procedures
It is our intention to provide our clients with not only a professional and therapeutic massage, but exceptional service and personalized attention at all times. The following policies and procedures are in place to enable us to provide the highest quality service to each of our clients.
We do not massage anyone under the age of 18 unless the parent or guardian is in the room and signs their form.
Massage for minors will be allowed provided that a parent or legal guardian of the child is present in the massage room durring the massage session. As with adult clients, draping for minors is ALWAYS proper and professional, and the degree of undress prior to proper draping is entirely at the discretion of both the minor AND the attending parent or legal guardian.
Cell phones and music playing devices should be turned off before entering the office because of the need to maintain a quiet and relaxed environment for ourselves during our scheduled session.
Dealing with a returned check is a very time-consuming and costly process, so we ask that the client use other accepted methods of payment if there is uncertainty about the availability of funds in their checking account at the time of their massage session. A $40 fee will be charged to the client in the event of a returned check due to insufficient funds.
Sanitation and Hygiene
All equipment and linens that come in contact with the client will be cleansed in an approved method. All lubricants will be dispensed in a contamination-free manner.
Before and after each massage, the massage therapist’s hands and forearms will be washed with hot soapy water and a disinfecting solution.
Any breaks in the skin of the massage therapist will be covered with protective coverings. The client will come to the massage therapy appointment clean. The client will inform the massage therapist of any breaks in the skin, and these areas will be avoided.
Should the massage therapist or the client contract a contagious disease that could be spread during the massage session, such as a cold, flu, or other droplet or airborne infection, each will inform the other. The decision to reschedule will be handled on a case-by case manner.